Measuring the impact of social procurement: a new approach
Burkett & McNeill_Social Traders_framing the value question in social procurement Part 1
Burkett & McNeill_Social Traders_framing the value question in social procurement Part 2
The first section of this report examines what social value is and what elements are central to a pragmatic approach to demonstrating social value. The framework is then applied to two social procurement case studies, providing two different articulations of social value.
Developing & implementing public sector social procurement strategies
Insights Into Social Procurement: From Policy to Practice
SPA’s ‘Insights’ publication provides discussion on useful approaches to developing and implementing social procurement strategies. These incorporate input drawn from interviews with representatives of three State government departments that currently have social procurement programs underway. It also provides provides five snapshot case studies that highlight how social procurement can assist with local economic development objectives.
Other Australian social procurement case studies
Social Procurement in Australia – Case Study Compendium
This compendium of social procurement case studies is a supplement to the report ‘Social Procurement in Australia’. The case studies are best contextualized and framed when read as part of the broader report as they designed to unpack some of the concepts and ideas presented there. Each case study highlights particular learnings that may inspire or assist others in developing social procurement policies or practices. These case studies were chosen because they highlight some of the key learning for both suppliers and purchasers and therefore contribute to the development of further knowledge in relation to social procurement more broadly.
Buying from social enterprises
Great Lakes Council
Great Lakes Council has been buying waste management services from Great Lakes Resource Recovery, a local social enterprise and the largest indigenous employer in the region, for 21 years. Great Lakes Council won the award for Social Procurement SE Supporter of the Year.
Toowoomba Regional Council
Toowoomba Council outsourced management of its tip weighbridges to Ability Enterprises in 2013, creating over 40 jobs for people with mental health issues.
Social Procurement Case Study: Department of Human Services Security and Concierge Services
Through innovative thinking and a partnership with the Brotherhood of St Laurence, the Department of Human Services created an opportunity to increase employment rates within the municipality of the City of Yarra and increase the safety of local residents.
Social Procurement Case Study: Mornington Peninsula Council’s Waste Management Contract
The Mornington Peninsula Shire successfully tendered its waste management contract to include social enterprise.
Buying from other social benefit suppliers
Social Procurement Case Study: Supply Nation
Supply Nation has been established to connect certified indigenous businesses to institutional buyers.
Social Procurement Case Study: Penrith City Council and Kallico Catering
Kallico catering is being engaged by Council through discretionary business unit budgets to provide catering.
Buying social value from commercial contractors
Social Procurement Case Study: Koori Job Ready
Koori Job Ready (KJR) has supported the creation of over 1000 employment opportunities for aboriginal men and women since it began in 2006.
Social Procurement Case Study: Housing NSW
Housing NSW has been socially procuring for over 10 years through their public tenant employment clause.
Building social enterprise into the supply chain
Transfield has integrated social enterprises into their supply chain because they are often the best businesses available to deliver the service and because they see significant business value created through the inclusion of social enterprise in their supply chain.